Open positions are grouped by currency.
Total Cash
Cash recognized at the time of trade + futures P&L.
This value reflects real-time current FX positions, including:
• Trades executed directly through the FX market
• Trades executed as a result of automatic IB conversions, which occur when you trade a product in a non-base currency,
• Trades deliberately executed to close non-base currency positions using the FXCONV destination.
Settled Cash
Total cash that has settled + futures P&L.
Accrued Interest
Reflects the current month's accrued debit and credit interest to date, updated daily.
Real-time mark-to-market value of stock.
Real-time mark-to-market value of securities options.
Real-time change in futures value since last settlement.
Real-time mark-to-market value of futures options.
Current funds balance.
Exchange Rate
The currency exchange rate to the base currency.
Net Liquidation Value
Total cash value + stock value + options value + bond value.
Unrealized P&L
The difference between the current market value of your open positions and the average cost, or Value - Average Cost.
Realized P&L
Shows your profit on closed positions, which is the difference between your entry execution cost and exit execution cost, or (execution price + commissions to open the position) - (execution price + commissions to close the position).